Through the traditional limitation, MES succeed in halal Virtual

Jakarta – Still in the nuance of Idul Fitri 1441 H. With financial Services Authority, MES Held the halal gatherings Akbar on Saturday (13/6) which is connected through Each media teleconference virtual communication. The Event Noble 380 The participants were attended by the Central Board, special Regional manager, District manager and all members of the Economic Community Sharia simultaneously at 09.00 WIB. Moments that take place successfully was also attended by the founder of OK OCE, Sandiaga Uno.

Event That lasted for two hours was opened with a accompaniment led by The vice chairman of the PP MES Specialist Council, Deden Hafiduddin and continued by the board Expert PP MES, Moh. Hidayat, in his Tausiyam, his party invites all The large family of MES to always solidify and believe the scenario Allah SWT as a journey towards a better direction.

"In the Halal gatherings This MES, there are two things mental attitude that should remain we Wake up, the first is Istiqomah and the second is a confident attitude and Good thing to Allah that it turns out that many positive things are inserted By God in the midst of the Covid situation. " Details

In The same opportunity, secretary general of PP MES, Edy Setiadi revealed That this uphold is the first time MES do halal gatherings Telecommunication virtually.

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"The event This is an event that was first implemented virtually by MES, although not directly faced with may not reduce the The blessing of our uphold. "He explained

Chairman PP MES, Wimboh Santoso also conveyed in his remarks that the uphold The virtual current is an acceleration of MES to transform and provide More impact in the new era.

"The meeting Today is a good momentum, how this MES can transform To adapt in the fore condition to remain able to provide Optimal contribution to Ummah across the archipelago. "explained

Did Wimboh, MES need to capture the opportunity of new fatigue by preparing Early regeneration of human beings capable of answering challenges and opportunities Sharia finance in the future.

"Transformation This MES in the normal new era need to have a leap how the execution, we later Will form a team how it can run fast and also this team will collaborate Various generations may cross four generations with different roles so Later on the generation in the MES can be fast and certainly the knowledge and tips that Can be transmitted to the young. " He concluded

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Senada With Wimboh, chairman of the PP MES Specialist board, Perry Warjiyo also stressed that the MES Need to develop a digital economy for civilization welfare ummah.

"New Normal is not a return on the habit before Garry 19, new normal is New civilization, new normal is a new financial system including the economy and Sharia finance Therefore I see more not a new normal is New economy style where digital technology becomes very thick, well here How we are with MES, BI, OJK and we all build new halal economic Lifestyle. Surely I am very supportive full of transformation that pack chairman Common lines. " He added

While In between the routines of the activity of Dubes Indonesia with a range of Far enough time, and was broadcast live from Switzerland, the Vice Chairman Board of Trustees, Muliaman D Hadad said that MES is expected to be Economic locomotive to build the welfare of the Ummah through the activities Together to support government programs.

"How Do We can give a more significant gait and feel the challenge Immediately, MES could certainly spearheaded the emerging initiative to So that a great sense of solidarity is a special characteristic of the This, could be our main tool to be able to help the government to then We can help people who are hit from this deep crisis. " He explained

Next At the end of the event, each district representative delivered Eid remarks and closed with a friendly atmosphere by all Participants with all the joy.

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