Investree spreads Sharia-based Digital finance services


Jakarta – Lack of concept literacy Sharia-based fintech remains a bottleneck of industrial development Financing based on digital technology. As an effort to support the development ecosystem Economics and finance of Sharia, MES and Investree again present the program Sharia Online Talk with Shariah Fintech theme; Financing Problem Solutions Safe and convenient on Tuesday (9/6) through the Zoom Meeting app. The event Presenting the interviewers of MES Central Board, Muhammad Bagus Teguh and VP Sales Regional Java Investree by Shareang Kusuma is followed by approximately 200 participants.

Beginning of discussion, Central Board of MES, M. Bagus Teguh explained that Islam has set a whole life Including specifications on the concept of sharia financing.

"Islam is regulating all aspects of Life, not just worship but also manage the rulings, interaction With other people and financing issues as well. " He explained

Furthermore, Bagus Teguh also emphasized The concept of ijtihad by the mufti in determining the fatwa that can be a study Rationale, so that the provisions concluded according to sharia rules.

"In the fatwa agency known Basic Law Of the Fiqh rules to establish a fatwa, such as a law-sounding rule Of something is a branch of an understanding of the nature of The. So when we say about fintech then we must understand First what is fintech and what operational so we can know how Islam set it up. " Details

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According to Bagus Teguh, polemic about Financing provisions of the debt as well as the type of fintech Financing can be clarified further by peeling the base of the Understanding of the debt.

"Peer to peer or fintech is extensive Once but most majority are related to debt receivables so that The question of allow indebtedness? We must understand first what debt is. When we understand debt we will know whether or not, so debt It is defined as a borrowed either in the form of goods or money. So Definition of debt is funding and financing. " Details

As information, the legal debt From buying and selling is possible as long as no additional element is Required in the transaction.

"The term debt of qard or I'arah Be. If we examine, God banned riba not his debts, as long as Debts do not contain RIBA then allowed. Buy and sell not cash Then the fall of debt but not use RIBA, so the debt that proceeds from the sale Buy then allowed. " He concluded

VP Sales of Java Regional, Shareang Kusuma And explained that Investree is a fintech that has obtained Of the OJK both conventionally and sharia.

"Investree itself has been licensed OJK and Investree becomes the only Peer to Peer Lending that has good OJK Sharia financing and conventional financing. " Obviously Shareang

Further, Shareang also revealed Common functions and differences of mechanisms carried on by the fintech With the banking sector.

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"Investree is almost the same as banking, We are in the middle and we connect between people who borrow with People who invest their funds. Exactly the same as banking is the difference with banking Depositor put funds first to the banking and will choose itself channeled Where. We are in the center of only connecting and convereable between the lenders and borrower. "He said

In maximizing service attendance This digital technology or fintech system, Shareang disclosed the That Investree has studied in detail for every standard process Verification.

"We connect between borrower and Lenders through our application and we also help analyze it first So borrower that goes into us does not necessarily we offer on our web, So we are really analyzing the good borrower of the reports of the statement and its business, And until the mitigation related to the risk factor. "explained

As for borrower that have included The standard in question will be approved and automatically become part of the The Investree.

"Our Borrower consist of four types, The first average online merchants, suppliers and vendors, small manufactures, Resellers. These four types must submit data first to To be verified and measured first the risk is newly incorporated into the website. " He concluded

Please note that there are currently Some products of the investree that can be a financing solution by SMES in particular and people who need convenience in transaction According to Sharia concept. Among the products include invoices Financing (ANAJK receivables), buyer financing, working capital term loans, online Seller financing and government retail bond.

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