Buku MES Hongaria
Development of Islamic Economy

Title :
Development of Islamic Economy: Lesson Learned from Various Countries
Published : Yayasan Bhakti Masyarkat Ekonomi Syariah
Authors :
Amanj Mohamed Ahmed, Deni Pandu Nugraha, István Hágen, Hidayatulloh, Dadin Solihin, Andi Sri Wahyuni, Ryan Al Rachmat, Muhammad Salman Al Farisi, Muhammad Qasim Ali, Noormazlinah Ahmad, Solehah Shamsuddin, Tutur Wicaksono, Haruming S. Saraswati, Ardian Adhiatma, Abdi Shukri Yasin
Publication Year: 2024
ISBN: (on Proses)
Number of Pages: 249
This book chapter includes 12 articles by involving authors from Ethiopia, Indonesia, Iraq, Malaysia, Pakistan and Hungary. The variety topics including halal tourism in Ethiopia, Indonesia and Somali Region, halal cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries, halal as a quality perspective, halal product, halal certification and management systems in industries, Blockchain application in the Islamic economy, legal pluralism of Indonesian civil law in case of dual banking system, Sharia hotel, family business sustainability from the largest Muslim population country in the world, Islamic banking role on Iraqi economic development, corporate governance and sustainable improvement of Islamic banking performance in Iraq, and customer trust in saving decisions in Indonesian Islamic bank.